Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mellow Fellow

I've had a deep, fulfilling relationship with a wonderful man since around 1995.  He is the strong, silent type and he is gorgeous.  His name is Elmer and he is my lovely purr baby.  He is currently sitting beside me as I type.  He loves to put his paw on me and "hold my hand".  And he even lets me massage his paw and play with his little fingers.  He's getting older, but he just keeps getting better.  And he's a total lover, my kind of man.

He's a total lap kitty.  He's worth the extra effort to get Blue Buffalo food.  And he even likes my husband, after about 8 years of just tolerating another male in my life.  At first, when he was still an outdoor/indoor kitty, he would jump from the floor directly onto Abbie's chest in order to be let out.  This happened about 4am each morning.  Abbie couldn't stand it.  Imagine an 18 lb. cat jumping onto your chest while you're in a deep sleep.  He's a big cat.  You can hear his paws on the floors when he walks.  He's got attitude.  Now, years later, he will follow Abbie into the bathroom, wait for him to get his shower, and then wrap himself around Abbie's ankles while he's shaving.  So, Elmer has accepted him into the family, finally.  He's been so tolerant with the boys - letting them pet him and love on him when they had a hard time being gentle.  He has never hurt them, even when they got rough. 

I need to get some recent photos and post them.  I now know what it means to be long in the tooth, as he is getting that drawn look a bit around his muzzle.  But, he's still a total charmer and so beautiful, even if his ears have lost a little fur and have some balding spots.  It just adds to his charm.  He's literally been with me through thick and thin.  I've known him longer than my husband.  As a matter of fact, the longest relationship I've had with a male (besides my dad) would be Elmer.  He truly loves me just as I am.

1 comment:

  1. Awww. Those sweet little furry friends have a way of working themselves right into our hearts, don't they?
