Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Though it is a week later, it seems like the weekend just happened.  I had a friend to visit.  She had her two year old were here for a couple of days and it was a wonderful time.   We got to catch up a little between chasing after the kids.  Next time, we want to let the guys camp with the kids so we can have some girl time.  We'll be attending a clarinet clinic here soon, so maybe we can have more chat time then.  That was Wednesday and Thursday night.  Wednesday, we met up with Betty for dinner.  The kids were sleepy, but they hung in there and we got some smiles.

 You can tell John Campbell is soo sleepy...but Betty is the boy whisperer.

 Getting kisses!

 Carrie and Harrison - he's grown so much and he's such a good little talker.

 Abbie decides to get in on the action.  The boys aren't paying attention, until they figure out what he's doing...

 This is a John Campbell/Betty thing - I don't know what it means.

 She finally got a smile out of him!!!

 Group shot - kids are not cooperating.  They are done for the night.

 Good one of Carrie, Betty and Harrison.  John Campbell is a walking zombie by this point.

We got home late and got the kids in bed.  The adults were tuckered out too.  Thursday, Carrie and I did a little shopping and found some shoes for the boys.  We had a nice lunch and then picked JC up from school.  And while waiting in line, it started doing this sleety/snowy kind of thing.  We got home and my boys went down for a nap while Harrison watched television.  And Carrie and I darted outside with our cameras a few times.  It didn't take long before everything was white and wintry.

 I ran out the first time in house shoes and no jacket.  Dumb idea.  After a few minutes, my teeth were chattering.

 Carrie did a good job keeping her new camera protected.


By Thursday evening, it came a little mini blizzard.  I immediately called Abbie and asked him to come home so he wouldn't be stranded at work.  An hour later, he and other managers were riding the roads around the plant to see if they could get home.  I wanted to reach through the phone and jerk his tail home.  He ended up making it home, but it was slow going and he passed many wrecks.  Then, my friend Betty was coming from Gadsden with many mountains to cross.  She made all but the last one to getting home.  She called us to make a hotel reservation for her, and then realized that she wouldn't even make it to the hotel, so she had to turn around and go back to her mom's.  Thank goodness she was able to do that.  It hit right when everyone is out on the roads and was a scary few hours.  The next day, it was snowy and rainy and school was canceled, even though the roads were clear.  So, we were all home, watching it rain and wash the snow away.  Another day to make up.  By that evening, Carrie and Harrison had left on the next leg of their journey - Scottsboro.  We had dinner at home and went to bed a little early.  The next day was basketball and hanging out around here.  Sunday was church and doing things around the house.  My little chair is almost glued back together and then it will be time for a base coat and some light sanding.  Can't wait to finish it!

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