Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Riding the Bus

Since he was real little, John Campbell has always been excited to see the school bus.  Jackson Wynn is the same way.  John Campbell has ridden with me this year, but wanted to try riding home on the bus.  So, we let him.  Maybe we should have picked a different day.  We let him ride on Dr. Seuss day, so he was wearing pajamas.  Add that to the fact that older kids, much older kids ride the same bus, and he was one unhappy camper.  He had to sit by a really mean guy who yelled at him the entire time and was mean.  He wasn't just upset when he got home, he was mad as hell.  I've never seen him so angry - just plain angry.  Needless to say, he doesn't want to ride the bus again.  But, he got a taste.  And he made it home in one piece.  So, yay.  The photos show his mood at the time.

My poor baby!  But, that's what I'm here for - so if he wants to ride Mom's Taxi, it is there for him.  The things he wanted to do to this other kid - wow.  I've never seen him so dang mad.

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