Starting out
Well, as things are not working out well with customization over at, I'm here at blogger seeing how things go with uploading photos and posting. It seems the dashboard at blogger is very similar to the format used at before they migrated all the blogs to Hades. It is very unfortunate that this has happened. I have enjoyed blogger. It seems that they just cannot offer a full-service blog. Either posting is a nightmare and making themes is very flexible (old format), or posting is a dream and changing the look of your blog isn't going to happen (new format). They have 22 themes at to choose from and none of them are really customizable. It is cookie-cutter blog or nothing...or move. Now, I will have to see about getting all the content from my blog moved to blogger. Another fun project.
Okay, let's see how to upload photos...
Well, that wasn't so bad. I wonder if the image is as big as it should be? Or do they limit image size at blogger? Seems that I have a max size of 600 pixels at the other place.
Yep, they took my 400px image and shrunk it down to 274. Crap.