Saturday, January 08, 2011

Cross-hairs Palin and her band of merry sociopaths

What is a Sociopath?  Take the link and find out.  When I read the descriptors, I shuddered, because many neo-conservative right-wing nut-jobs fit the bill perfectly.

Here's what happened today:
Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was critically injured and a federal judge killed, along with at least five others, Saturday in Tucson when a man opened fire during a meet-and-greet outside of a supermarket.
A 9-year-old girl was among those confirmed dead, as was John Roll, chief judge of U.S. District Court of Arizona. Also killed was Gabe Zimmerman, 30, director of community outreach for the congresswoman.

 Giffords, along with other Democrats, were put in the cross-hairs of Sarah Palin as people she wanted taken out of office.  It is time for the violent rhetoric to stop.  Campaigning while holding a gun, or standing with a hunting party, or using language that infers violence is wrong.  It is detestable.  And those who practice it are detestable.

Cross-hairs Palin, who had the above image on her website, said today that she prayed for "peace and justice" in reference to the democrats and citizens who were gunned down today.  She can't have it both ways.  Here's what I want to know from you, Cross-hairs Palin, how do you sleep at night knowing that a 9 year-old little girl was gunned down today?  Murdered - dead - how can you live with yourself when you "empowered" every nut-job in the country to take up arms and practice vigilante politics?

Palin, who said, "don't retreat, reload!" on a radio program.  This is the person that almost half the country was willing to vote into the office of the Vice Presidency.  It makes me sick.  I hope all the tea party maniacs are choking down their tea with tears of remorse, regret and shame.

We live in a country where it is okay to threaten the president, as long as he is a black Democrat.  It is looked over when actual targets are placed on Democrats by their opponents.  And Democrats have a tendency not to call these assholes on their violent rhetoric and brain washing.  We should all be shaking our fists and screaming about this.     

Palin, Coulter, Beck, Limbaugh, and the all the Tea Party sociopaths...I see you all as instigators of murder - murder of American Citizens.  

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more with each and every word. Violent hate-mongering got Yitzhak Rabin murdered, and now Rep. Giffords. It MUST be put beyond the pale of acceptible discourse. Whatever your political beliefs may be, violence and violence-inducing speech is NEVER okay. NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE.
